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First published by Florence Contemporary Gallery: Artist Interview

Lize Krüger




Lize is a South African artist who received her BA Fine Arts Degree in 1988 from The University of Northwest in South Africa. During the eighties, until 2008, she had numerous solo exhibitions and participated in group exhibitions through the years.  In the early 2000s, before she moved to the UK in 2014, she taught art lessons to students at a quadriplegic facility and an underage abuse victim’s centre.


After a ten-year Sabbatical from the Arts, she resumed her art career in 2018 by accepting a commission from the Directors of The Lost Gardens of Heligan in Cornwall. Since then, she has exhibited extensively internationally and has featured in various publications.

Let's start from the beginning; why did you choose to express yourself through art? When did this passion become your job?


I'm a visual thinker and always found it much easier to express myself through images rather than words.   I never really thought about making a conscious choice.  I just gradually developed into an image communicator, so it was a natural choice for me to do a degree in Fine Arts after school.

What is the first approach to the works? Tell us about your creative process.

I'm very in tune with global events that unfairly impact society and individuals.  Because it has an emotional reaction, I will give or find a specific image to portray such an issue to create awareness.  I can't stand apathy toward important events, and that is my way of being involved.

What do you find to be the most challenging aspect of the artist profession?

To stay relevant and not stagnate.  I can easily fall into a comfort zone regarding technique and execution and try to push myself not to fall into that trap.

What is the relationship with social media, and how do you use them?

In the period between 2008 and 2018, I was flying under the radar due to personal circumstances.  That is incidentally also the period that social media bloomed.  It was a bit of a culture shock when I started to work with new intensity and had to get a proper grip on the role of social media in one's exposure.  It brought another dimension to my work process and forced me out of my reclusive existence as an artist.  What I do love about it is how many fellow artists I get to 'meet' and the inspiration I get through them.


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